Chiropractic care is all about removing interference from your nervous system so your body can adapt to stress. Adaptability is KEY when your body is making massive changes… for instance, while growing a human during pregnancy and in the healing + recovery of the postpartum period.

Think of all the things that change in a woman’s body during pregnancy:

• the spine and pelvis change shape

• internal organs become squished as baby grows

• hormones are rapidly changing

• sleep, energy, and mood are all impacted

So why is chiropractic care so important during this period?

Well, it helps pregnant moms adapt to these constant changes by making sure their nervous system is working at its optimal level so that they can have a comfortable + enjoyable pregnancy!

Some of the common symptoms that moms in our office have had great results with are:

• sciatica

• low back and pelvic pain

• breech baby

• lightning crotch

• round ligament pain

• morning sickness + nausea-poor sleep + energy-heartburn

• swelling

• constipation

Other than relief from these symptoms, neurological-based chiropractic care has SO many benefits (for both mom and baby), as baby’s environment is mom’s environment! If mom’s nervous system is calm + adaptable, then baby is geared toward starting life in a place of calm instead of stress. Babies who start off under chiropractic care often tend to be happy and content and ready to take on life!

In that same vein, women under chiropractic care during pregnancy tend to have great birth outcomes for a number of reasons.

First, consistent care ensures that the pelvic bones are in proper alignment and that the muscles and ligaments are working like they should. This gives baby the necessary space to position themselves head down and get into optimal position for birth. It also makes labor more efficient for mom because her pelvis can open and expand more easily, allowing baby to move through the birth canal with ease!

Second, adjustments help keep mom’s body out of stress mode and restore brain-body communication (brain-hormone and brain-uterus communication too)! This gives her power and efficiency during labor because her body is able to do what it was meant to do! This often looks like stronger and more efficient contractions and an overall shorter labor time.

Now, what about postpartum?

Chiropractic care in the postpartum period helps to kickstart the healing and recovery process for both mom and baby! Adjustments ensure proper alignment of the spine and pelvis as they return to their non-pregnant state (and help take care of nursing neck!). A well cared for nervous system is better able to adapt to big hormonal shifts and allows mom to have more restful sleep + increased energy, even in the midst of a rigorous feeding schedule and many wakings. As the postpartum period is a time of massive transition as a new mom moves into a new phase of motherhood and learns to care for their newborn, it is imperative that mom has support to help adapt to new stresses along the way.

Whether you’re a first time mom wanting to have your best pregnancy and postpartum… or perhaps you want a different pregnancy and postpartum experience than you’ve previously had, chiropractic care is something we highly recommend as part of your overall care regimen!


