Have you ever wondered how to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy or how to optimize fertility?

We're going to cover the pillars of creating a healthy body for you and a healthy environment for your future baby! This will include brief overviews on nutrition, exercise, and the importance of a well-functioning nervous system. This information is for all moms, whether you are planning for your first baby, have had 5, or don’t want to get pregnant for a few years yet!

Let's start with the very foundation for establishing health: a well-functioning NERVOUS SYSTEM. Your brain controls every single cell in your body, but the nervous system is the communication pathway between the two. When communication is shut down, your body isn’t getting proper instruction and so it doesn’t work like its supposed to. The shut down in communication happens when your body has been under varying types of stress for too long and hasn’t been able to adapt to that stress. When optimal nervous system function is restored, all aspects of health are profoundly impacted!

Optimal function of the nervous system helps the brain with proper communication with the endocrine (hormonal) system, which includes the uterus, ovaries, thyroid, and other major hormone centers in the body. Not only is communication improved, but your body is better able to adapt to all types of stress and move into growth mode. There are two modes in the body: growth/ease and protection/stress. Imagine which one is necessary for growing a baby! Many women can become stuck in stress for so long that they don’t even realize they are still there; this can, unfortunately, have a negative effect on fertility and the ability to become pregnant (because if the body is perceiving its environment as a threat, its likely not eager to grow new life).

Now, let's talk NUTRITION:
The way that you nourish your body really matters when it comes to motherhood! Best case health of mom (and baby) is dependent on mom having good quality nutrition PRIOR to becoming pregnant.
Did you know that baby takes what it needs from mom regardless of if mom has adequate amounts in her body or not? This can become a MAJOR PROBLEM for postnatal depletion in moms if they weren’t well nourished prior to becoming pregnant! It can also affect the quality of the nutrients baby is getting from mom. Good nutrients taken in means good nutrients go to babe and help mom throughout pregnancy! Whole foods are recommended, with well-balanced macronutrients (the major nutrients we need!). Depend first on real foods, then fill in the cracks with supplements if suggested by your doctor!

If you truly want to set your body up for optimal fertility, its best to start prepping with nutrition 6 months to one year in advance of when you want to begin trying to conceive! This will help lay a good foundation for when conception happens! Need suggestions or don't know where to start? Ask in the office or send us an email!

As women, our hormones are constantly changing as we move throughout our cycles Throughout your cycle, you can best support the different phases through exercise! We mentioned previously that the goal of preconception care is to reduce the stress load on your body – meaning that your hormones are balanced and your body is in a relaxed state and the best possible atmosphere for pregnancy!

The average menstrual cycle is 28 days (but you might not have a 28 day cycle exactly and that's perfectly okay!). We recommend to every woman that she track her own cycle using basal body temperature and cervical mucus/height/texture. If you don’t already track your cycle, taking charge of your fertility helps identify what's actually going on and gives you more insight into your hormones!

To exercise: When you workout WITH your cycle you will get better results because you are partnering with your body and working with its natural rhythms, rather than forcing it to do something that isn’t best for your hormones at that time. Here's a recommendation based on a 28 day cycle where ovulation takes place on day 14:
• Menstrual phase: Days 1-7, all of your hormone levels drop and energy is LOW, so do low intensity exercise. Rest, walking, restorative yoga, and napping are all great!
• Follicular: Days 8-14, estrogen and follicle stimulating hormones rise, and your energy rises as well, so cardio based workouts are prime during this time: running, dancing, biking, etc.
• Ovulation: Days 15-21, estrogen peaks and generally so does energy + motivation! High intensity exercise aka HIIT, heavy lifting, bootcamps, kickboxing, and spin class are all excellent choices during this time. • Luteal, Days 22-28, progesterone rises and energy begins to drop, so strength based workouts are best here: lower intensity weights, pilates, barre, and yoga – progress to more gentle movement as your period gets closer!

GUIDELINE: always listen to your body and do whats best for you!

Still have questions? Send us an email at or a DM on our socials!


