Moving Towards Health

Are you moving towards health or away from health?

Often times, health is thought of as a singular event, but the truth is, health is dynamic. There is a spectrum for health and you are either making choices to move yourself towards or away from your healthiest self!

Most people don’t lose their health overnight. For the majority of people, their current state of health can be traced back to past choices and lifestyle decisions. Let’s chat about 3 lifestyle tips you can start incorporating today to move you and your family towards greater and more vibrant health!

Tip #1: Move your body regularly

There are no rules here - you don’t need to run 5 miles everyday or lift super heavy weights. Move your body in a way that is enjoyable to YOU! Your form of movement could be dancing, yoga, walking, playing sports, or doing 80s aerobics! When you are moving your body, you are benefiting your body, so do something you enjoy – you are much more likely to stick with it!  


Tip #2: Eat nutrient dense whole foods

Whole foods are foods that have not been processed or refined and are free from additives. Examples of whole foods include: veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, meats, fish, and eggs. Examples of NON-whole foods would include – refined grains, refined sugar, and other ultra processed foods that no longer resemble their original form.

Nutrient dense foods are foods that have a high concentration of vitamins and minerals in them relative to the portion size. Some awesome nutrient dense foods include: salmon, grassfed & pasture raised meats, raw dairy, bee pollen, sardines, liver, eggs, leafy greens, bone broth, and kefir. These nutrient dense foods are whole foods, but not all whole foods classify as nutrient dense foods. Take your nutrition up a notch by really focusing on eating nutrient dense foods to help your body THRIVE!


Tip #3: Take care of your nervous system

Good nervous system health is vital because it controls every system and cell in your body! Isn’t it incredible how one system is responsible for literally EVERYTHING else?! Your nervous system deserves extra special attention on your quest for vibrant health, here are three ways to support it:

1.     Get lots of good quality sleep. Sleep is important for your nervous system to refresh itself and do repair work.

2.     Practice deep breathing. Deep diaphragmatic breathing helps your nervous system to down regulate so that it can do its job much better and more efficiently.

3.     Nervous system focused chiropractic care. Our favorite way (obviously!) to take care of your nervous system is to get it checked and cleared with chiropractic adjustments. Your nervous system will move you towards greater health when it is operating in parasympathetic mode (rest/repair) vs away from optimal health when your nervous system is operating in sympathetic mode (fight or flight) for extended periods of time. Chiropractic ensures that your nervous system can help you thrive instead of just survive!


These 3 lifestyle tips are a great way to move yourself towards greater health, give them a try today!


Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep