One of the biggest misconceptions about ear infections is that they are NORMAL. This myth has grown because 50% of children have generally had at least one before the age of 2! While common, there’s nothing normal about them! And, yet, the myth persists.

In our office, we see ear infections as a sign that the body is not working at its highest ability. Oftentimes, if a child is struggling with ear infections, they also likely struggled with reflux, constipation, colic, or had an intense birth. These are all signs that their body is working, but not working optimally.

So let’s talk WHY. Why do kids get ear infections?

Ear infections are caused when the fluid in the middle ear isn’t able to drain properly and then becomes infected. This is often referred to as the “poor plumber” issue. The fluid that is supposed to flow freely through the middle ear gets clogged, stuck, and becomes an issue.

There are a couple of reasons why your child might be a “poor plumber”:

The first can be related to the position of their atlas bone in their neck. This is the very top bone of the neck. When this bone is misaligned, it lessens the space available for the eustachian tube to properly drain the ear. This creates a clog in the ear’s plumbing, which backs up the fluid. In most kiddos, the misalignment of their atlas occurs during the birth process. The way in which babies are born puts a large amount of tension on the upper neck, which can create this misalignment. It doesn’t happen to every babe, but is a possibility!

The second is related to the nerve control in the upper neck. The nerves that come out of the upper neck control a lot of different areas of your body, but we are going to focus on the control of the Tensor Veli Palitini or, in more of a layman’s term, the TVP. This tiny muscle in your ear attaches around the eustation tube and controls drainage of the middle ear. When there is neurological stress in the upper neck due to physical, chemical, or emotional stress, it causes that little TVP muscle in your ear to tense up (think of how when you are feeling stressed, your shoulders get tight and your jaw clenches). When this muscle tightens up, it diminishes the space for the fluid to drain through, again creating a backup. Any time that the fluid isn’t able to drain freely, the possibility of it becoming infected increases.

Imagine you are out in nature and see a stream of water flowing freely – what do you notice? Perhaps the cleanliness of the water, swimming fish, growing plants… you see a healthy, thriving ecosystem! How about standing water in a puddle, though? This water has become trapped and can no longer flow freely, so what does that water look like? In all likelihood, it looks dirty and possibly smells of mildew… you probably don’t even want to touch it! This principle of free-flowing water is the same in the ear. We are designed to have fluid in our ear and we are designed for it to be able to flow and drain with no issues. It is once the flow gets interrupted that we see problems begin.

So how can chiropractic care help!? By addressing the root cause of the infection – poor drainage caused by stress on the nervous system – the body can begin to heal and re-regulate. One of the BEST ways to prevent ear infections is to make sure that the fluid can properly drain and flow all the time, and this can be done through chiropractic by adjusting the upper neck (using very gentle adjustments) to help alleviate the stress there. Restoring the proper alignment AND the proper neurological input to the TVP muscle allows the ear to drain properly and help prevent ear infections.

Chiropractic care ALSO supports the immune system in this instance, because the immune system and nervous system work in tandem with each other! A properly functioning nervous system allows for a healthy, working immune system! This is important when we are talking about ear infections. They have the word “infection” right in the name, so we know that a properly functioning immune system is important for helping resolve current and prevent future ear infections. Chiropractic takes care of the nervous system which, in turn, can help take care of the immune system!

Did you know that when it comes to antibiotics, the CDC actually recommends “watchful waiting” for ear infections?? This means observing your child for 2–3 days first, rather than starting antibiotics immediately. This is recommended in order to give your child’s immune system time to fight off the infection on its own. Studies have shown that most children with mild ear infections CAN get better without antibiotics! The odds of this are increased even more when the child’s immune system is functioning optimally, meaning that they are often able to fight off the infection on their own. Hence, chiropractic!

We have seen so many kids in our office benefit from chiropractic care with ear infections (and other struggles!), especially chronically recurring ones. Many parents just don’t know what else to do when their child continues to get ear infections, and many that we see now have happy, healthy kids who no longer struggle with them! Hooray!

Want more tips on naturally preventing ear infections?? Send us an email and we’ll share our faves!


